ppc management company bangkok

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vfortetechnologies Co., Ltd
Pay Per Click
What is PPC?
Like fishing, getting new clients takes time and patience.

Are you interested in a short-term, successful approach to gaining more traffic and conversions? Pay Per Click advertising (also known as PPC or Google ads) is one of the top methods for garnering real results on your site. It’s faster than traditional marketing methods and focuses on only bringing you the relevant, targeted traffic you want.

By using Google Ads, we can control which keywords/phrases you want your ad to show up for and track those conversions and results monthly via Google Analytics.

The cost of your pay per click campaign depends on what your Ad Quality Score is. The factors that contribute to this score range from keyword relevance to landing page quality to Click-Through-Rate (CTR). Of course, you must also consider the amount of competition your ads will have and how much others are willing to pay.

So, what’s the goal of a PPC ad? Ideally, you want the viewer to click the ad and be taken to the advertiser’s site or app. Then, they will take action on the site by purchasing a product or interacting in another valuable way with the site.

What’s holding back the results of your pay per click campaign?

Let’s have a talk today!

What is PPC
is This You?
PPC? I’ve Already Tried it. Didn’t Work!
It’s crazy how many business owners write off PPC as a waste of time. They try it once and if it’s not successful, they deem it not for them.

In reality, PPC campaigns can be insanely profitable if you know how to create and manage them well.

Here’s an example. Pretend you just bought a new car and have enjoyed driving it around the first few days. Then, one morning you’re on your way to work and it suddenly stops running. You pull off onto the side of the road and call the dealership demanding a refund. They sold you a faulty car! Upon inspection at the dealership, he tells you the reason it stopped running was that it was out of gas. It just needed to be refilled.

PPC campaigns are similar to that car.

You can’t just create a random PPC, throw it up, and hope it works. It won’t run itself and it certainly won’t be profitable. You need to fill it with gas, pump up the tires, and get regular maintenance done. Well, you need a campaign manager to dedicate time and effort to growing the campaign.

It takes expertise and experience to properly manage a PPC campaign. You need to ensure the spending balances the earnings and that you’re making a profit. vfortetechnologies has an endless list of clients that have benefited from our PPC campaign management.

Focus on what you do at your best and leave your PPC campaign to us 🙂

PPC I’ve Already Tried it. Didn’t Work
PPC Benefits
Craft Your Message To Your Client’s Needs
To reap the rewards of a successful PPC campaign, you need extensive knowledge and experience. Our team has created and maintained numerous successful campaigns that bring our clients profits.

Want to make your PPC campaign truly effective? This is how vfortetechnologies ensures your PPC campaigns hit the mark. We start by collecting more data on what people are searching for, especially your target customers. Then we craft the message to your clients’ needs by solving a problem they have or sparking their interest. Furthermore, we track each PPC ad each day and look for ways to improve.

The benefits of a strong PPC campaign are endless. You attract more traffic to your site; specifically, you attract the right people to your site. This results in more sales and more profit. It’s as simple as that. What more can you ask for?

Hero With Typing Machine
How we work
Transparent and Logical
Every step of our process is transparent and logical. We start by doing a full audit of your current PPC campaigns. We see what’s going well and what needs some work. Then, we do a detailed analysis of your company, offerings, and goals. It’s crucial we also analyze your competitors’ PPC campaigns to see where they are winning advantages over the market.

Once we know your business in-depth, we can provide you with unique and specific plans for growth.

That could mean altering the settings of a current account or setting one up from scratch. We will vigorously track these campaigns daily to ensure they’re working. You should see the first signs of positive results within about three weeks. Regular audits and maintenance will be performed to keep the momentum going.

We pride ourselves on being clear and transparent. There’s no questions you can’t ask or suggestion you can’t make. This is your business, after all! Making your PPC campaigns profitable is our goal.

Understand Your Competitors – To Beat Them
Our Promise
A Clear 30-Day Report
All of our strategies are transparent and tailored to your needs and goals, thus achieving the results you expect.

That’s why we have so many satisfied customers, who like you, wanted to reach more customers.

We made it happen for them, and we can do the same for you.

We guarantee respect of the timeline, clear reports of the tasks completed, fast communication, and high commitment to achieve the ranking results your company deserves!

Let’s get started!

A clear 30 day report
Frequently Asked Question
PPC Management F.A.Q.
To make sure that you understand the actual benefits of PPC Management, how it works, and how we deliver results, in this section you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions. You will also see why we are different and how we can help your business grow to make sure that you understand how this investment is worthwhile for your company.

More questions? Feel free to reach out of us anytime using the button “let’s get started” below.

Why Are You Different?
What Do Your PPC Management Services Include?
Are the Solutions Packaged or Tailored?
How Can I Track Results and Return on Investment (ROI)?
Do You Provide Reports?
Want to be Our Next Success Story?
Contact us today, we will help your brand achieve these results and more.

Click Here to Get in Touch
Contact Us :
vfortetechnologies CO., LTD.
Head Office :
Police Station, 9/Office Number 82 Soi Bangna, Srinagarindra 60 Alley, Hnongbon, Khet Prawet, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon เขต ประเวศ กรุงเทพมหานคร 10250
Phone Number : +66 99 0123440
Email : office@vfortetechnologies.com

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