ecommerce ppc agency

Visvelforte TechnologiesOnline purchasing – for both B2C and B2B environments – is more popular than ever, and that is likely not going to change anytime soon. And in order to compete with big-box stores or perhaps other B2B companies also selling products online, you need to make sure you are doing your due diligence with […]


Visvelforte TechnologiesOnline purchasing – for both B2C and B2B environments – is more popular than ever, and that is likely not going to change anytime soon.

And in order to compete with big-box stores or perhaps other B2B companies also selling products online, you need to make sure you are doing your due diligence with your online marketing campaign to get results.

At Sixth City Marketing, we are a digital marketing agency with extensive experience in helping ecommerce websites like your own improve profits through PPC marketing services.

Below, we’ve put together a complete guide to ecommerce PPC, which includes our best tips and strategies to help you generate more sales from your online store.

Why You Can Trust Our PPC Experts

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“I’ve worked with Visvel forte marketing technologies for multiple years now for my PPC and SEO needs. They have consistently delivered a high-quality product, are professional, and deeply care about their customers. They listen to my business needs and work with me to help my business grow. I’ve seen a massive improvement in the quality of leads, website visitors, and click-through rate. My website has experienced immediate positive results from suggested website changes, with increased forms completed, increased phone calls, and increased pages per visit. Other PPC companies I’ve worked with just waste ad spend, while Visvel forte marketing technologies makes use of every penny.”
– Jennifer Hristovski, SprayWorks
Things to Know & FAQs About Ecommerce PPC Marketing
The ecommerce industry is extremely fast paced, which means it is important to stay ahead of the competition by researching and implementing effective marketing efforts. Pay-per-click advertising is a powerful tool for ecommerce business to ensure your products or services are reaching the right target audience.

Here are some answers to questions we regularly are asked or we see online that can help your PPC strategy:

Table of Contents

What Is PPC for Ecommerce?
How Does PPC Benefit Ecommerce Businesses?
How Can You Measure the Success of PPC Campaigns?
I’ve Never Run Ads Before, How Do People Set Budgets?
What Paid Channels Are Best for Ecommerce Stores?
How Can I Build an Effective Ecommerce PPC Campaign?
What is Google Merchant Center and Why Should I Use It?
What Is PPC for Ecommerce?
Before we get into ecommerce PPC, let’s start with the basics and define what PPC actually is. Pay-per-click (PPC) is a form of digital marketing in which advertisers pay a fee for each time a user clicks on their ad. This type of marketing can be used on both search engines and social media platforms.

PPC management is the process of overseeing and handling a pay-per-click account. This process typically includes campaign and budget setup, ad spend monitoring, making campaign adjustments, and more. With consistent and diligent management, PPC campaigns can be one of the most effective and quickest ways to grow your sales online.

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How Does PPC Benefit Ecommerce Businesses?
PPC offers several benefits for ecommerce businesses including:

Increased visibility – PPC ads appear at the top of search engine results (above the SEO results) making your brand more visible to customers. Not only that, but search engine optimization can take time to show results whereas paid ad results can be shown immediately with the right strategy.
Targeted advertising – Paid advertising channels provide a variety of tools for narrowed targeting. Specifically, Google Ads allows options to set targeted demographics covering aspects from location, behaviors, interests, age, gender, household income, and more.
Cost-effective – While paid advertising can be expensive, you have the ability to control budgets effectively to stay within your designated marketing budget. Budgets can be set and changed on a daily basis which also allows you to see results in real-time.
Measurable results – Analytics and reports are crucial for ecommerce business in order to make informed decisions on what is working and what isn’t. PPC platforms provide real-time and comprehensive data to show a variety of metrics that show the effectiveness of your ecommerce campaigns.
Results and impact – All of these benefits above add up to create a significant impact for ecommerce businesses. Let’s take a look at some key stats about how PPC aids those in the ecommerce world:
Retail and ecommerce businesses receive more than 23% of their traffic from PPC, highlighting the importance of paid marketing (HubSpot)
PPC produces an average 200% ROI for companies (SmallBizGenius)
The American retail sector spent upwards of $65 billion in online advertising in 2022, illustrating how viable marketing tactics like PPC can be (Cube Creative)
Ecommerce also features the lowest cost per click of any major business sector at $1.16, meaning you can really get some bang for your buck (HubSpot)
The PPC channels with the highest ROI are Facebook Ads and Google Ads, making these options ideal for ecommerce companies (WordStream)
With the frictionless ordering process ecommerce sites supply, PPC ads can provide some real gains, since pay-per-click marketing has been shown to convert 50% better than SEO marketing does (Moz)
75% of the top 100 ecommerce sites utilize PPC ads as part of their marketing campaigns (Apexure)
74% of companies state that pay-per-click ads are major elements of their marketing efforts (HubSpot)
66% of the highest performing ecommerce PPC ads use the homepage as the landing page for visitors (Apexure)
72% of the top ecommerce sites utilize Facebook Ads as part of their PPC marketing approach (Apexure)
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How Can You Measure the Success of PPC Campaigns?
It is one thing to start advertising, but the overall success is going to come from tracking the performance and making adjustments. Evaluating metrics such as conversion rate, return on ad spend, cost per acquisition, and click-through rate are performance indicators that will help make advertising decisions.

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I’ve Never Run Ads Before, How Do People Set Budgets?
There are many deciding factors that play into the creation of an effective PPC advertising budget. Doing research beforehand will be critical to establishing what your businesses is willing to spend. Keep in mind that you’ll be paying for each click your ad receives. Setting an appropriate amount each month will keep you from overspending or underspending.

Some of the deciding factors include industry competitiveness, advertising goals, and available resources. Remember, you can always start small and work your way up! A free tool we recommend you try is Wordstream’s keyword research tool. You can enter in terms you’d want to use in your campaign and see variations, pricing, and competition:

ecommerce ppc keywords
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What Paid Channels Are Best for Ecommerce Stores?
Every platform that allows for advertising will have their benefits and drawbacks. However, each platform also offers their own unique ad formats and targeting options that may be optimal for your ecommerce business. Typically, Google Ads is ideal for search and shopping ads, and Facebook/Instagram Ads are recommended for social media advertising.

Google Ads – With shopping campaigns, text ads, and display ads, there are various ways to bring more potential customers to your website to convert into purchases.
Facebook Ads – This platform allows you to remarket to people who have visited your site or run ads to a completely new set of people based on their interests. Best yet, there are a variety of approaches for getting revenue through Facebook ads to consider for your business.
Instagram Ads – Instagram operates through the same interface as Facebook and allows us to target users on the app based on a wide range of factors that can result in more purchases on your site.
YouTube Ads – For this platform, you can use existing footage you have that showcases your products, or you could even get some customers to film testimonials to run as ads.
Not to mention, if they fit your specific niche, Bing, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn Ads could all be viable options as well.

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How Can I Build an Effective Ecommerce PPC Campaign?
If you want your pay-per-click campaigns to be successful, a proper structure is crucial. You’ll want to capitalize on the key elements of pay-per-click to help increase store traffic and sales. Here are some of our main tips:

Keyword Analysis
Choose keywords that are most relevant to your business and that your audience is most likely to find you for. Put together a complete list of the terms you want to target by putting yourself in the shoes of your ideal customer. What are they going to be searching for? In addition, make sure to exclude, or negate, any keywords that you do not want your ads showing for. Adding negative keywords helps to drive more relevant traffic and, ultimately sales.
Define Your Target Audience
Determining your ideal customer is an important step in building your PPC campaign. What is your typical demographic? What are the interests of your intended user? Narrowing down your audience as much as possible will help improve the overall quality of the campaign. Targeting can be refined by location, user interest and intent, age, income level, language, and more.
Optimized Content
Once you have a budget, keywords, and targeting in place, it’s time to focus on content. Start by optimizing the product pages on your website to include updated information and product descriptions. Next, make sure to create ad copy that highlights your product attributes and will encourage users to click. Finally, a strong landing page will determine whether or not that user is going to convert. Use compelling copy and strong CTAs to reinforce the messaging in your ads.
Provide a Smooth User Experience
Creating a simple, efficient shopping experience for online users can significantly increase the volume of your sales. To design a store that is as user-friendly as possible, make sure to include clear descriptions and messaging, high-quality images, and a seamless cart/checkout process.
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What is Google Merchant Center and Why Should I Use It?
A powerful tool that has changed the game for a lot of ecommerce business is Google Merchant Center. GMC is a platform provided by Google that gives ecommerce business the opportunity to upload, manage, and promote their products across various Google channels.

There are a variety of features that can help ecommerce businesses optimize PPC campaigns for continued success. Check out some of the ways ecommerce businesses can utilize Google Merchant Center for PPC success:

Product feed management – GMC’s main feature allows for businesses to create and manage product feeds effortlessly. This process involves uploading product data including titles, prices, images, descriptions, and more directly to the platform. By linking your Google Ads account to GMC, this product feed serves as the foundation to showcase the products across various Google platforms.
Product visibility – By utilizing Google Merchant Center, ecommerce business can choose their ads widely including Google Shopping, Display Network, and the Search Network. Not only do these ads show at the top of relevant search results, but it makes it easier for customers to purchase products directly from the results page.
Remarketing opportunities – Remarketing campaigns can be a great strategy for targeting those who have showed previous interest in your products. After linking your GMC account to Google Ads, you have the ability to create dynamic remarketing ads to re-engage potential customers.
Performance insights – Google Merchant Center provides comprehensive data to show metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversion rate, click-through data, and more. Not only does this allow you to identify top performing products, but you’re able to optimize bidding strategies to maximize your ROI.
Who Choose Our Ecommerce for Pay-Per-Click Services
If increasing sales and having control over your budget is important to you, Visvel forte marketing technologiescan give you the PPC help your ecommerce campaign needs. When you choose to work with our PPC company, you will receive top-tier services like the following:

In-Depth Keyword Strategy

Ensuring we are targeting the best terms to bring in conversions is one of the most important aspects of pay-per-click. Our ecommerce team will perform extensive research for your business and work with you to determine what terms we should target.

In-House Ad Writing

To help attract your ideal customer, we will write concise and persuasive ads that will make users searching for your products click through to your site. Not to mention, our team has 25+ collective years of writing experience as marketers.

Advanced Competitor Research

One of the top ways we can help your campaigns be successful is by having a clear look at what others targeting the same terms as you are doing. We use a variety of tools that allow us to assess what we can do to make sure you stay ahead of the pack.

Design for Conversion

While getting users to click on your ads is key, in order to help them make actual purchases, we will need to ensure that your site has proper conversion optimization approaches in place that make it easy and accessible to buy your products.

Detailed Monthly Reporting

Getting you results is our #1 focus, and in order to make sure we are transparent about how your ecommerce PPC campaigns are going, we will send you a monthly report detailing everything you need to know, including purchases, your overall ad spend, and more.

Ongoing Account Monitoring

By adding irrelevant searches to a negative keyword list, making sure you are on track to meet your set budget, and more, there are a variety of tasks we complete every month to make sure your campaign is operating at its best. A successful PPC campaign requires diligence monitoring and maintenance.

Dedicated Customer Service

When you partner with our agency, you will work directly with an account manager who will be there for you at all times, along with the actual PPC strategist who will be working on your account.

We Do More Than Just PPC

As a full-service agency, we can easily help your ecommerce site with SEO, email marketing, and web design.

Ecommerce PPC Services for Any Industry
Over the years, our team has seen success in managing pay-per-click campaigns – both ecommerce and lead generation-based – for a wide variety of industries, including:

Additional Questions You May Have
Do I need to have Google Analytics for PPC?
If you do not have GA on your site already, we can easily set up a free account for you. We can help install the code on your site and make sure it is then integrated with your new landing pages we create so the data all flows into one profile.
Will I be able to monitor the searches that lead to clicks?
If we run ads on Google, this will be possible! Inside the Google Ads interface, you can see what types of things people are searching for that not only enabled them to click on your ad but also which ones turned into leads.
Do I have to run ads on social media sites?
Not at all, however, we have had great success with various ecommerce industries, especially retail, on Facebook and Instagram. We would be happy to discuss this in your strategy session.
Do I need to know who I want to target?
If you need assistance in either narrowing or broadening your targeting based on how your current campaigns are going, our team of PPC experts will be able to provide feedback and direction as part of our strategy.
“I am BEYOND impressed with 6th City’s work. Their transparency and knowledge for their craft is very impressive. We saw results for our business soon after partnering with them.”
– Sydnee Cooke, Painted Cowgirl Western Store
About Sixth City Marketing
top ecommerce ppc agencyFounded in 2010, Visvel forte marketing technologieshas been helping businesses of all kinds improve their presence online through our in-house digital marketing services. While we are headquartered in Cleveland, we also have offices in Nashville, Chicago, Indianapolis, Columbus, and Pittsburgh, and would be happy to help you improve your marketing no matter where you are located.

And recently, we’ve also been named a top PPC company for ecommerce sites in Ohio by Clutch!

Grow Your Business Online With Our Ecommerce PPC Services
If you want to boost your sales, reach your targeted audience, and have complete control over your marketing budget, consider an ecommerce PPC campaign or PPC consulting. To learn more about how we can help ecommerce sites grow, reach out today by filling out our contact form.

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You can find our main office on the West side of Cleveland, right off of I-90 near the DoubleTree by Hilton. We have ample parking spots in the front

We pride ourselves on providing you with one thing: results. Through our SEO, PPC, and more, we will increase your online presence and, most importantly, your revenue.


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